Getting to the Root of Implant Maintenance: A 21st Century Approach to Implant care
Date & Time
Saturday, October 10, 2020, 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Edie Gibson

Implant maintenance is the fastest growing category in dentistry with more and more patients appearing with dental implants each year. There is a need, now, more than ever, for offices to implement implant maintenance protocols and solutions to effectively and safely treat this growing implant patient population. This hands-on course will help take the mystery out of implant maintenance by describing procedures, instrumentation and techniques to for optimal care for your implant patients. Additionally, you will learn assessment and treatment protocols for peri-implant disease and how to create a customized home care protocol to improve patient engagement.

Course Objectives - Upon completion of this hands-on course, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the importance of assessing dental implants and recognize risk factors for long term implant success.
  • Utilize evidence-based research to implement an integral implant assessment and current maintenance protocol.
  • Implement clinical treatment plan including techniques, technology and instruments to remove biofilm and hard deposits
  • Learn how to Empower patients to care for their implants at home and understand that maintenance effects the success rate of their implants.
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